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Stirrup Irons & Treads

Stirrup irons and treads in a wide range of sizes and styles.

Korsteel Knife Edge Stirrup Irons
RRP 38.50 You Save 14%
£32.99 each
Choose stirrup size
Korsteel Safety Stirrup Irons
RRP 48.50 You Save 13%
£41.99 each
Choose stirrup size
Stainless Steel Peacock Safety Irons
RRP 37.50 You Save 17%
£30.95 each
Choose stirrup size
Korsteel Knife Edge Treads

Korsteel Knife Edge Treads

SKU: 419
In stock
RRP 4.50 You Save 12%
£3.95 each
Korsteel Offset Treads White
RRP 5.99 You Save 17%
£4.99 each
Your choice
Korsteel 2 Bar Stirrup Tread

Korsteel 2 Bar Stirrup Tread

SKU: 4701303
In stock
RRP 2.40 You Save 13%
£2.10 each
Korsteel Peacock Iron Bands

Korsteel Peacock Iron Bands

SKU: 3988
In stock
RRP 1.80 You Save 17%
£1.49 each
Korsteel Peacock Iron Leather Attachment
RRP 1.80 You Save 17%
£1.49 each